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Showing posts from August, 2017


Understanding Basic Business Etiquettes

If you're in business or even an employee, you cannot underestimate the importance of business etiquettes. Demystifying etiquette rules across multiple business-related scenarios is the focus of this article. But before we hit the ground running, it's best to level off everyone on what etiquette means. We would also look at the many ways business etiquette can improve a company or an organizational bottom line. Josy Roberts, author of 'Business Etiquette: Your Questions and Answers', defines etiquette as 'conventional rules of polite behaviour.' They are guidelines on how to behave befitting good manners while in the company of other people. They show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of the person or people that you are with. Etiquette covers most aspects of social interactions, including self-presentation, communication, courtesy, and hospitality. Business etiquette, in particular, covers expectations in the interactions between co-workers, the company a...

Why Business Success Can Be Simple

A while ago I read this quote: "All secrets are visible." I really liked it. It's so simple, yet powerful. For me, it means that every success is replicable if you just observe seriously. The guy who is legitimately earning 6 or 7 figures in his internet marketing business for instance, is no better than the man who's flat broke and still struggling to pay his bills. If the impoverished guy would just observe this man, he would realize that he can replicate his business model, marketing strategies, sales funnel, niche system, how he uses his time and grows his email list, and so on... Maybe if he's bold, he'd even request for mentorship and ASK him how he converts traffic to buyers, promotes other people's products or even sell his skills online. Then, he'd only have to COPY and ADAPT what he learned from this other successful guy. All secrets are visible, easily accessible for the CURIOUS business fellow who can implement them...

The Common Sense Guide To Financial Freedom

I recently had a chat with an old friend on social media who wanted me to share the simple steps he can follow to become financially independent. He's got this job that really isn't paying well and he seems to be struggling financially. I know a lot of people out there may be going through the same predicament, so I decided to provide this simple guide to address the issue of financial freedom, at least from the standpoint of commo n sense. As we begin, I like to submit that some of the ideas I'll be sharing here are obtained from sources I believe to be reliable and from my own personal experience as an entrepreneur, but your due diligence is still needed in the application of the knowledge or ideas. That said, I want you to realize first and foremost, that you are the vehicle to your financial freedom. You are responsible for your success or failure in the financial front, and you are the only person to depend on. You can choose to be financiall...

Is Poverty Really A State Of The Mind?

I saw a YouTube video of Ben Carson in a Sirius-XM interview which sparked outrage late last month by saying poverty was a "state of mind" The New York Times summarizes the remarks that generated what it calls an "intense backlash"... "I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind," he said, according to a transcript of the interview that was later released online. "You take somebody that has the right mind-set, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they'll be right back up there." He added that helping people may not better their lives. "You take somebody with the wrong mind-set, you can give them everything in the world - they'll work their way right back down to the bottom," he maintained. Most people obviously overreacted not trying to really understand the real meaning of his statement. The real takeaway here is you can never outp...