The only reason we don't get what we want in life is because of the story we keep repeating to ourselves about the reason we don't have it. Every time we stop believing the story and make a decision, we become stronger. A long time ago, I remember this business idea I had. I kept nurturing it in my mind and didn't bother sharing it with anyone for fear of idea larceny. Every day, I'd find a reason not to launch out with the idea, until one day I had ENOUGH and told myself that I was just a crackpot. It created a breakthrough and the following week, I invited a team of partners. We scrutinized the idea and set it in motion. Take inventory of your own stories. Any stories that don't serve you should be killed without hesitation. A story is simply an excuse or something you repeat to yourself all the time about why you're not producing a certain result. We all have stories. The key is to be aware of them and to not believe them. Choose ...
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