One of my very successful virtual coaches told me that if there were ONE key to success in all endeavours of life, it would be simply "DEFIANCE." An attitude of defiance is solely a resistance to surrender to social norms and the status quo. It's the man who quits his job in a recession to start a business. It's the young person who gives up his many years of formal education to pursue his passion, not minding what people would say. It's the man who chooses to create abundance in the midst of scarcity. It's the man or woman who has the courage to be the first of his/her kind to achieve a particular goal. The world is full of fainthearted, self-doubting individuals, afraid of making waves and going after what they really want in life. So, cultivating a state of defiance is critical. The world is changing so fast that only those who can rapidly and boldly break free from social norms and "used to be" mentality will win the...
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