Sequence (the order you do things) matters a lot. For example, let's say your phone number is 803-845-1000. Whether I dial 845-803-1000 or even 308-845-1000, I won't reach you. It may be the SAME numbers, but the sequence makes all the difference. My point is that you may know what you have to do to fulfil your destiny or make positive impact right where you are, but if you do it in the wrong order, you won't create tangible success. That's why I've always kept a small checklist on my mobile device that I review several times a day. This list reminds me of the important steps in the purpose activation process - from feeding my mind with positive energy to fulfilling the Kingdom Mandate, and so on. Never let me down. Whatever roadblocks you're facing right now may simply mean that you're doing the right things, but in the wrong order. Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, and taking some times to review what you've done after...
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