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Understanding Basic Business Etiquettes

If you're in business or even an employee, you cannot underestimate the importance of business etiquettes. Demystifying etiquette rules across multiple business-related scenarios is the focus of this article. But before we hit the ground running, it's best to level off everyone on what etiquette means. We would also look at the many ways business etiquette can improve a company or an organizational bottom line. Josy Roberts, author of 'Business Etiquette: Your Questions and Answers', defines etiquette as 'conventional rules of polite behaviour.' They are guidelines on how to behave befitting good manners while in the company of other people. They show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of the person or people that you are with. Etiquette covers most aspects of social interactions, including self-presentation, communication, courtesy, and hospitality. Business etiquette, in particular, covers expectations in the interactions between co-workers, the company a...