It’s important to train your brain to get what you want in life. Can I tell you why? Our brain is not designed to get us fortune, happiness, and all the good things in life. It’s designed to protect us. This is why we tend to procrastinate and avoid risks, regardless of the payout. Anybody can show you how to innovate or attract wealth, but you won’t do anything if your brain believes that your survival is at stake. Makes no sense, but this is how your brain works. Your brain was not designed to get you material goods... And that’s why there are 20% of men who get more than 80% of other men combined. The top 20% learned to train their brain to go after what they want. This is one reason I encourage people to write down their goals and make systematic progress towards actualizing those goals. Write the vision God has impressed upon your heart and make it plain. Write whatever you want to achieve, whether in your diary, spreadsheet or mobile device. It doesn’t matter if it sounds crazy...
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