If you grew up in an atmosphere of scarcity and want, you'd probably have been made to believe that a meaningful life is a case of abundance and sufficiency. If you grew up battling with a serious health challenge, your cerebrum would have been wired to conceive of the life devoid of pain as the meaningful life. You may not entirely be wrong. Your experiences and exposure have a subtle way of conditioning your perception of life, yet such perceptions are often lopsided and skewed to your domain of rationality unless they have universal applicability. A meaningful life consists of knowing what your highest strengths and talents are and using them in the service of something that you believe is bigger than you are. A meaningful life is a life of purpose expressed in committed service to God and humanity. So stop being hedonistic and living only for your own self. Stop trying to imitate the 'artificial lifestyle' portrayed on the media. Use every gift and talent deposited in...
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