I encourage both men and women to have ambition and to convey it when they interact with the opposite sex. Some young people are put off by this and ask me why they should be ambitious in order to attract the man or woman of their dreams. What if they just want to have a normal life? It's a good point, but look at the definition of "ambition": 1. An earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honour, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment 2. The object, state, or result desired or sought after. 3. Desire for work or activity; energy. 4. To seek after earnestly; aspire to. I want you to look at definitions #3 and #4. This is how you should look at ambition. Honestly, you don't need to aim at becoming Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton. Don't think this will get you a soul mate. But you should have a specific desire that is important enough for you to put some energy into it. Not only will you fee...
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