Today I want to share something really cool with men. Like you may be aware, "leadership" is one of the traits women find attractive in their partners. The official definition of a leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. This definition has led a lot of men to believe they were not leaders. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A father is a leader. A teacher is a leader. A fiance or husband is a leader. It's important that you start seeing yourself as a leader at all times. For me, a leader is simply someone who has a sense of direction and aim at designing his life. That means he chooses where to live, his friends, the type of family he wants, his income, his profession, and so on... Not only that, but if he has a betrothed, partner, or wife, he has a vision she's excited about. There was a time when I didn't see myself as a leader. But the day I realized that being a leader is about making dec...
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