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Tony Robbins And The Power of Stacking

A long time ago, I learned from Tony Robbins the concept of "stacking". The idea is that anything you stack mentally or verbally will eventually influence how you feel about someone or something. For example, if you start making a list of everything you don't like about someone and keep adding to the list, you'll end up hating this person - even if you liked this person in the first place. On the other hand, if I ask you to list everything you like about your job and force you to go to 100 reasons why you love your job, it may radically change the way you look at your job. Stacking is very powerful, because things are never black or white. It all depends on how you look at them and what you choose to stack. Often, when we feel negative or sad about our life, it's because we stack mentally or verbally stack up all the things that suck in it. But as soon as we start stacking all the things we're grateful for and happy about in our life, we feel e...