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One Common Sense Secret About Success

One interesting question I get all the time is, "What ONE thing can I do to become successful in business, ministry or calling?" Well, if there were one thing, every ambitious individual out there would do it. Success is not an event. You don't press a button and suddenly become a superstar. Someone will invest in a single book or attend a seminar and then complain that his life didn't change. Seriously? Success is a process. It's the combination of ALL the action you take toward reaching your goals. Every successful individual I've known or read about took one meaningful step at a time. There is no such thing as an overnight success. So if there's any advice I can give to you in this critical period of our national existence, it is for you to get busy. Don't sit idle at home and expect to experience a breakthrough. Recession or no recession, you must jump out of your comfort zone and take your destiny into your hands. ...