I'll start by saying this: Most often, relationship failure and disappointment is not necessarily a function of what went wrong in the dating process, but a function of dating the wrong person in the first place. It's therefore important, that you know the attributes of the 5 types of men never to date, from the standpoint of common sense. The first one is DRIVE. To have a drive means to have clear goals, aspiration, and a vision for one's life. The man with a drive is also intelligent because he feeds his mind with good information through books, tapes, and seminars. If your critical assessment of the man in your life shows he is lacking in drive, RUN! Such a fellow is not likely to go far in life. The second is IMPACT. You don't want to be stupid, and fall for a man who has nothing to contribute to your life. He doesn't challenge you to dream big or attempt great things. He doesn't respect you, share your values or even stay true to you. All he cares...
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