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Showing posts with the label How To Create Impact In A Hostile World


How To Create Impact In A Hostile World

Yesterday, I read a very sad story about a man who was asked to leave a plane because someone next to him felt uncomfortable. There are two ways to look at this story. The first is to be upset. The second one is to be upset AND learn something about it. I always try to learn something, even when it's painful. The lesson I want to share with you is that the world is constantly judging you. They judge the way you talk, your dressing, your ethnicity, your demeanor. They make assumptions about you instantly, based on what they see. It's unfair, but it's a reality. And NO ONE is safe from this. The good news is that people are so shallow that just by controlling how you're perceived, you can create positive impact on others. And as a result, attract more opportunities. Politicians and celebrities know this too well. Depending on the social and political climate of their time, a lot of celebrities have changed their name to fit and create success i...