There are practically two ways to have a perfect day: a. Have a to-do-list b. Have a NOT-to-do list. I'll enunciate on the latter today, and leave the former for another day. You see, facing temptations and getting distracted is one of our every day experiences in life. Our temptations are so pervasive; our flaws, so easily exposed. Our weaknesses make us vulnerable. Humans, it sometimes seems, are built to fail. The answer to 'staying on course' and realizing your dreams against all odds is to have a NOT-to-do list. Be clear about what you will and will not do each day. Be clear about what you will not do for success. Some items are easy. You will not lie, cheat, and steal. Those don’t necessarily need to be written down. But you need to be clear that you: Do not stay longer than necessary in bed. Do not check email or head straight to Facebook and WhatsApp first thing in the morning. Do not mindlessly surf the Internet and click on every useless link that jumps up a...
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