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Showing posts from November, 2017


Apply Now For The 2018 YALI Emerging Leaders Program

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was launched by the United States Government, to train the next generation of African Leaders who will shape the future of African business and entrepreneurship, civil society leadership, and public sector management. The YALI Regional Leadership Centre (RLC) West Africa, Accra, offers you an innovative and game changing Online Emerging Leaders training program in the following courses: 1. Business and Entrepreneurship 2. Civil Society Leadership 3. Public Sector Management The program is hosted by the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). Applicants must be: Between the ages of 18 and 35 From the countries below: - Sierra Leone - Ghana - Nigeria - Togo - Ivory Coast - Gambia - Burkina Faso - Liberia - Cameroon 1. You must be able to read and write in English 2. You must have a valid ID (passport if you are outside Ghana) Benefits of the program: - Improve your leadership skil...

Why "Accepting Yourself" Will Destroy You

Did you know that 85% of the world's population are affected by low self esteem. The answer to this is often advice like "accept yourself" or "like yourself". As a matter of fact, even mainstream media pushes the whole "acceptance" thing on us on a daily basis. While they are good recommendations, the concept of acceptance is completely twisted in most people's minds. Accepting or liking yourself is not about standing in front of the mirror and saying "I like myself" nor is it trying to love yourself as you are - without making any changes. Here's The Brutal Truth: It's only possible to accept the things that absolutely cannot be changed. It's a crucial point for you. Most people get acceptance wrong by trying to accept things that CAN be changed. That leads them to stay sad and depressed for the rest of their life. When I was a teenager, I was a very terrible stutterer. It made me very sad and my mot...

What You See Is Not Always What You Get

A few months ago, I started learning about diet and nutrition. My goal was to eat more healthy in order to increase my energy. One trick I learned was to always read food labels. They tell you the truth. You see, food companies spend billions of dollars on marketing and packaging so you don't pay attention to what's really inside your food. Breakfast cereals are the perfect example of this. They are designed to appeal to children, while having text that is intended to reassure parents about the cereal's nutritional value. But in reality, cereals are loaded with sugar, and poor in nutrients. It's only by reading the label that you realize it. So, what does this all have to do with guys and women who are trusting God to find that special someone? Well, when you meet a person for the first time, all you see is the well-designed packaging. Some women for example, it's the make-up, the hair, the sexy dress or the cleavage. But what you see...

How To Be The Leader Every Woman Craves

Today I want to share something really cool with men. Like you may be aware, "leadership" is one of the traits women find attractive in their partners. The official definition of a leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. This definition has led a lot of men to believe they were not leaders. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A father is a leader. A teacher is a leader. A fiance or husband is a leader. It's important that you start seeing yourself as a leader at all times. For me, a leader is simply someone who has a sense of direction and aim at designing his life. That means he chooses where to live, his friends, the type of family he wants, his income, his profession, and so on... Not only that, but if he has a betrothed, partner, or wife, he has a vision she's excited about. There was a time when I didn't see myself as a leader. But the day I realized that being a leader is about making dec...