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Showing posts from October, 2016


Common Sense Formula For Kicking Mediocrity Out Of Your Life

When you want to get on top of your game, and crush the enemy called average, it’s all about removing constraints and obstacles on your way to the top. It's very hard to stand out in a crowded world as ours when you have things between you and your goals. Become ruthless about keeping only what's necessary in your life. Anything that doesn't have a particular usage needs to go or be trashed. The reason is simple: If your life is too clumsy, you'll live in a total disorder and your life will perpetually be in disorder. So clear the crap from your life. The mobile apps, the habits and addictions, the food, the clothes, the electronics, the people… Understand what REALLY matters to your life. Put your energy there. Do this rather than falling into the common trap of occupying your existence with trivialities. Things that make you mediocre and unable to soar high. Have an amazing day!

One Word That Can Change Your Life...Starting Now!

There's a well-known saying by Mike Tyson, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." This is when reality sinks in and you have to deal with the present situation you find yourself. There's a word that can transform your life no matter the drama that seems to characterize your existence, if you wholeheartedly embrace its meaning. That word is DETERMINATION. There's nothing more powerful than a determined person. Determination here implies firmness of purpose or the tendency to move in a certain direction. The determined individual always ends up getting what he wants from life. Here's your 5-step plan to be determined: Choose only a few important goals and stick to them. Cultivate the habit of writing your goals...say daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc Stop being idle or busy doing the wrong thing. Welcome each day with renewed effort to unleash your potentials and pursue your dreams. Walk straight with your head u...

Apply For The 2017 Google Online Marketing Challenge For Students Worldwide And Win Fantastic Prizes

Registration is currently ongoing for the 2017 Google Online Marketing Challenge (GOMC). The GOMC is a unique opportunity for students to experience and create online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords. Over 110,000 students and professors from almost 100 countries have participated in the past 9 years. With a $250 AdWords advertising budget provided by Google, students develop and run an online advertising campaign for a business or non-profit organization over a three week period. The teams that develop and communicate the most successful campaigns win awesome prizes, including trips to Google International offices. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the optional AdWords Certification category by studying and passing the necessary exams to become an AdWords Certified individual in the Google Partners platform.

Free eBook Shows You How To Dominate A Market Niche And Profit From Your Expertise (Download Now!)

Do you ever question whether it’s actually possible to dominate a market niche and monetize your expertise without having to get stuck in trial and error? Maybe you worry that your niche market is already in the pocket of the big players. Or getting over the top is too hard. Or too complicated. Maybe you face some unique challenges that have scared you out of taking the first step. One of my business mentors, Ben Hunt has decided to share some incredible tips that can help you put things in perspective. He has written an eBook that will show you the exact steps to dominating a niche market and profitting from your expertise. The interesting thing is that you can download this eBook for free. No opt-in required. No conditions attached.   Just hit the download button and start taking your game to the next level. This is our way of encouraging you to keep visiting this blog and expecting amazing free giveaways in the coming days. Download your free eBook her...

Learn Digital Marketing For Free And Get A World Class Certification From Google (SIGN UP NOW!)

Google is currently running a free online marketing training to help thousands of young people in Africa get the skills they need to grow their businesses, build a profitable career and secure the future. Sign up now to become a certified digital marketing expert and be in demand any where in the world. The courses cover everything from email marketing, search and social media; to mobile marketing, display advertising, video advertising, e-commerce,  etc., to help you grow your business or career. Recent studies have shown that by 2020, there’ll be a billion internet users in Africa, presenting an opportunity for African businesses and digital entrepreneurs to take their game to the next level. Perhaps you've also heard the impressive statistics: 150,000 digital jobs are predicted by 2020, digital marketing salaries are rising and the world's digital economy is already experiencing an incredible transformation.

Common Sense For Very Ambitious People

When you're very ambitious and multi-talented at the same time, and you want to get on top of your game, it’s important to do it progressively. A lot of folks get overwhelmed and end up stuck in an awkward dilemma. They have several glimmering ideas but don't know how to pull the trigger. They keep trying to figure out what seems logical until they fizzle out in analysis paralysis. The best thing to do is to focus on one aspect of your calling at a time. If you're called to be both a blogger and a politician, master one vocation before wheeling to the other. You cannot be a big shot both in politics and blogging at the same time. It is insane to think that anybody can hack his way to success by pursuing too many goals. Invest all you've got into one thing, become a success in that one thing before moving on to something else. Have an amazing day!

The Power Of Clarity

Today, I want to use a popular place in the world to illustrate the power of clarity. Even if you've not been there, you'd probably be aware that the average fat cat in Nigeria is obsessed about travelling to Dubai, either for business or vacation. 40 years ago, Dubai had no roads, no real economy, and was at the bridge of collapsing. It was through the incredible leadership of its leader that Dubai became a global success. While most countries in the west are experiencing slow growth and political turmoil, Dubai is experiencing growth, prosperity, and global influence. One major key to the success of Dubai is 'the power of clarity'. Everybody in Dubai was and is focused on creating economic prosperity for the country. They’re not trying to do 100 things at the same time. Their prime chief objective is the prosperity of their country, or to say it bluntly: selling and marketing Dubai as a world hub and top destination. Their leaders are not was...