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Learn Digital Marketing For Free And Get A World Class Certification From Google (SIGN UP NOW!)

Google is currently running a free online marketing training to help thousands of young people in Africa get the skills they need to grow their businesses, build a profitable career and secure the future.

Sign up now to become a certified digital marketing expert and be in demand any where in the world. The courses cover everything from email marketing, search and social media; to mobile marketing, display advertising, video advertising, e-commerce,  etc., to help you grow your business or career.

Recent studies have shown that by 2020, there’ll be a billion internet users in Africa, presenting an opportunity for African businesses and digital entrepreneurs to take their game to the next level. Perhaps you've also heard the impressive statistics: 150,000 digital jobs are predicted by 2020, digital marketing salaries are rising and the world's digital economy is already experiencing an incredible transformation.
If the idea of becoming a digital marketing consultant and earning big excites you, you’ll benefit greatly from completing the Google Online Marketing Training. You’ll learn the technicalities involved in SEO, plus social media marketing and beyond. At the conclusion of the online training, you’ll be able to integrate e-commerce on your website, advertise on search engines and social media as well as help businesses get online

The training is for Job seekers and students. For those who want to get started, sharpen their skills or simply get their CV noticed. Even if you're not an employee drone like most people are, you can set up your own digital marketing business and build a multi-million digital consulting business empire with your certification.

The interesting part is that you can complete the entire certification course in a week or two depending on your learning plan, and it is absolutely free!
Thousands of people have already taken part and learned new skills with The Digital Marketing course.

To get started, visit the Digital Garage Website, login with your Google account and start learning.
Don't forget to share this opportunity with friends. Hit the Social Share button to post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and more.
Have an amazing day!


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