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Showing posts from March, 2017


If You're In A Relationship, Stay True To It And Stop Playing Games

Once in awhile, I reflect on how most people tend to behave in relationships. The younger they are,the more games they seem to play. They lie,cheat, and seem very confused about what areal relationship is. While I understand the ego boost of playing games and (successfully) lying to one's partner, I believe most people sell themselves short by leading a life of deceit. Let me explain. They don't realize the leverage of being honest with themselves and their relationship partner or spouse. An individual who is upfront and honest about what he/she wants will get more from his/her life than the person who constantly lies. Take the man who's having an affair. It's a huge waste of a man's time to be dating or married to a woman he doesn't like AND spreading himself thin with a second woman. Women are also not left out in this. In fact, it's a big shame for any woman to be a player. Some people are just not fit to be married or in a relationship, and i...

How Your Stories Can Keep You From Getting Great Results

The only reason we don't get what we want in life is because of the story we keep repeating to ourselves about the reason we don't have it. Every time we stop believing the story and make a decision, we become stronger. A long time ago, I remember this business idea I had. I kept nurturing it in my mind and didn't bother sharing it with anyone for fear of idea larceny. Every day, I'd find a reason not to launch out with the idea, until one day I had ENOUGH and told myself that I was just a crackpot. It created a breakthrough and the following week, I invited a team of partners. We scrutinized the idea and set it in motion. Take inventory of your own stories. Any stories that don't serve you should be killed without hesitation. A story is simply an excuse or something you repeat to yourself all the time about why you're not producing a certain result. We all have stories. The key is to be aware of them and to not believe them. Choose ...

How Your Life Can Take A New Shape Starting Now

Sequence (the order you do things) matters a lot. For example, let's say your phone number is 803-845-1000. Whether I dial 845-803-1000 or even 308-845-1000, I won't reach you. It may be the SAME numbers, but the sequence makes all the difference. My point is that you may know what you have to do to fulfil your destiny or make positive impact right where you are, but if you do it in the wrong order, you won't create tangible success. That's why I've always kept a small checklist on my mobile device that I review several times a day. This list reminds me of the important steps in the purpose activation process - from feeding my mind with positive energy to fulfilling the Kingdom Mandate, and so on. Never let me down. Whatever roadblocks you're facing right now may simply mean that you're doing the right things, but in the wrong order. Grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, and taking some times to review what you've done after...

Exclusively For Men

It is common knowledge that a lot of men really want something from women but they just don't know how to get it. I believe it's normal for a man to want a woman to give him the love and respect he desires. But most of the time, they also forget to ask themselves what women WANT. It's all about them - their needs and desires. Me, me, me and me! If this is you, then read this quote from Zig Ziglar: "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." When it comes to dating and marriage relationships, I'm confident you can have any level of success you envision if you just give women what they want from a man. Fortunately, contrary to common beliefs, it's relatively easy to give women what they want and to make them happy. Here are the three main things women want 1. Being heard Women crave men who can really listen. Don't try to solve her problem or fix her. Just listen, a...

Why Your Beliefs Is Critical To Your Result

Few weeks ago, I attended an interesting webinar on the psychology of success. It was great, and I took a lot of notes. There was this female facilitator on the program who shared how, every time she was after a goal, she seemed to just give up when she was close to success. She was very ambitious and educated, but every time she was about to succeed, she dropped her efforts. In the course of speaking, she revealed that she grew up in a small, remote village in Africa, where the only women who had money and status were PROSTITUTES. So, she developed the belief that, if she became successful, people would think she's a prostitute. It was totally irrational, and she knew it. But the belief was so strong and ingrained in her subconscious mind that she kept sabotaging herself. A belief can destroy or build your life. I met students on campus who had EVERYTHING to excel in their fields of study, but always found a way to dread pushing themselves... It's...

Tony Robbins And The Power of Stacking

A long time ago, I learned from Tony Robbins the concept of "stacking". The idea is that anything you stack mentally or verbally will eventually influence how you feel about someone or something. For example, if you start making a list of everything you don't like about someone and keep adding to the list, you'll end up hating this person - even if you liked this person in the first place. On the other hand, if I ask you to list everything you like about your job and force you to go to 100 reasons why you love your job, it may radically change the way you look at your job. Stacking is very powerful, because things are never black or white. It all depends on how you look at them and what you choose to stack. Often, when we feel negative or sad about our life, it's because we stack mentally or verbally stack up all the things that suck in it. But as soon as we start stacking all the things we're grateful for and happy about in our life, we feel e...