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25 Master’s Degree Scholarship Schemes For International Students

A great number of international scholarships that are being offered by universities are towards a Master’s Degree, either by coursework or by research. Through scholarship offerings, global universities aim to attract the very best international graduate students.

Gates Cambridge Scholarships (UK)
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are one of the most prestigious international scholarships in the world. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge and also provides additional, discretionary funding.

Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford (UK)
The Clarendon Fund is a major graduate scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford, offering around 140 new scholarships every year.  The scholarships are open to students from all countries and awarded on the basis of academic excellence and potential across all degree-bearing subjects at graduate level at the University of Oxford. The scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses.

Westminster Full Fee Scholarships for International Students (UK)
The Westminster University offers a number of full tuition fee scholarships if you are an exceptionally well-qualified student from either inside the UK/EU or an international country who wish to pursue a full-time Master’s Degree Programme at the University.  The scholarship is a full tuition fee award only.

University of West England Chancellor’s Scholarships (UK)
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers the Chancellor’s Scholarship to an outstanding international student who wish to pursue a Master’s Degree Programme at the University. The scholarship covers the full tuition fee.

Sheffield Hallam University Transform Together Scholarships (UK)
Transform Together scholarships are open to international and European Union (non-UK) students applying to study a full-time postgraduate taught course at Sheffield Hallam University. The scholarships include a full fee waiver.

La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships (Australia)
La Trobe’s Academic Excellence Scholarships (AES) are targeted towards high achieving international students from all countries (except New Zealand) across all of La Trobe’s postgraduate coursework programs.  The scholarships are non-renewable tuition fee awards of $10,000-$20,000 paid across a maximum period of two semesters (or twelve months).

Sydney Achievers International Scholarships (Australia)
The Sydney Achievers International Scholarships aims to attract high achieving, academically meritorious, international students to study at University of Sydney in Australia. Each scholarship has a value of AUD$10,000 per annum for any postgraduate coursework program offered at the University of Sydney.

Monash University International Merit Scholarships (Australia)
Monash University is offering a number of scholarship programs including the Monash University International Merit Scholarships for outstanding international students who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree programme offered at Monash University.  The scholarship is valued at $10,000 for a full time study load paid per year.

Adelaide Scholarships International (Australia)
The University of Adelaide offers the Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) program to attract high quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort.  The scholarships includes course tuition fees, annual living allowance, and health insurance.

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (Canada)
The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) are merit-based awards that are open to students of any nationality who will be registered as full-time Masters students at the University of Manitoba.  The fellowships are valued at $14,000 for a 12-month period.

ETH Excellence Scholarships (Switzerland)
ETH Excellence Scholarships are open to excellent students both from the ETH and from other universities (national and international) wishing to pursue their Master’s degree at ETH Zurich. The scholarships consist of a full/partial grant covering living and study expenses as well as a tuition fee waiver.

University of Lausanne Master’s Grant for Foreign Students (Switzerland)
The University of Lausanne in Switzerland offers scholarships to international students who wishes to pursue a Master’s Degree at the University through the UNIL Master’s Grants. The amount of the grant is CHF 1,600 - per month from 15 September to 15 July, for a duration not exceeding the regulation minimum period of the programme.

University of Twente Scholarships (Netherlands)
University Twente Scholarships (UTS) are scholarships for excellent students from both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA countries, applying for a graduate programme (MSc) at the University of Twente. The scholarship amount is from € 6,000 – € 25,000 for one year.

École Normale Supérieure International Selection (France)
Each year, the ENS organizes an international selection allowing about thirty of the most promising international students, either in Science or in Humanities, to follow a two or three-year course at the ENS. They receive a monthly stipend of approximately 1,000 Euros and benefit from an accommodation on the ENS campus.

Schwarzman Scholars Program at Tsinghua University (China)
The Schwarzman Scholars Program will give the world’s best and brightest students from all countries the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and professional networks through a one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing – one of China’s most prestigious universities.  The scholarship covers tuition and fees, room and board, travel costs, personal stipend, health insurance, etc

Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Programme (LExS) is open to outstanding non-EU/EEA students pursuing any MA, MSc and LL.M programmes offered at Leiden University. The scholarships come in the form of the following: €10,000 of the tuition fee, €15,000 of the tuition fee, or total tuition fee minus the home fee.

University of Maastricht High Potential Scholarships (Netherlands)
Maastricht University (UM) offers the UM High Potential Scholarships to talented students from outside the EEA to follow any UM master’s programme or graduate programme for professionals offered at the University, except for School of Business and Economics.  The scholarships cover tuition fee, living expenses per month, insurance, and visa costs.

Radboud University Scholarship Programme (Netherlands)
The Radboud Scholarship Programme offers a selected number of talented prospective non-EEA students the opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a complete English-taught Master’s degree programme at Radboud University Nijmegen. The scholarship consists of a partial tuition waiver whereby the tuition fee will be waived to the level of an EEA student. In addition, the Radboud Scholarship also covers costs such as for visa, residence permit, health insurance and liability insurance.

Utrecht University Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)
The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship offers a number of outstanding prospective students from outside the EU the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in eligible fields of study at Utrecht University. The scholarship covers the tuition fee and 10.000 euro living expenses per year.

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands)
The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) awards scholarships to exceptionally talented students from outside the EU to pursue eligible Master’s Programmes offered at the University of Amsterdam. The AES is a full scholarship of €25,000 covering tuition and living expenses.

Lund University Global Scholarships for Non-EU/EEA Students (Sweden)
The Lund University Global Scholarship programme is targeted at top academic students who are citizens of countries from outside the European Union/European Economic Area (and Switzerland) and who are pursuing a Master’s Degree Programme at the University. The scholarships may cover 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the tuition fee. Living costs are not covered.

Uppsala IPK Scholarships (Sweden)
The Uppsala University offers the Uppsala IPK scholarships to first year applicants from outside the EU/EEA who wish to pursue a Master’s Degree Programme offered at the University. The scholarship covers the tuition fee.

University of Westminster International Scholarships (UK)
University of Westminster awards scholarships to eligible students from developing countries who wish to pursue a full-time Master’s degree in any field of study at the University of Westminster.  The scholarship awards full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.

Developing Solutions Scholarships at University of Nottingham (UK)
The Developing Solutions Scholarships are designed for international students from Africa, India or one of the developing countries of the Commonwealth who want to study a Master’s Degree at the University of Nottingham and make a difference to the development of their home country. Each year, 105 scholarships are awarded– 30 scholarships will cover the full tuition fee while 75 will cover 50% of the tuition fee.

Erik Bleumink Scholarships at University of Groningen (Netherlands)
The Erik Bleumink Fund Scholarships are open to selected developing countries who wish to pursue a 1 year or 2-year Master’s degree programme offered at the University of Groningen.  The grant covers the tuition fees plus the costs of international travel, subsistence, books, and health insurance.

i.    Use the Search Engine to search and navigate to the respective Scholarship Sponsors’ websites or portals to check if you’re eligible for any of the schemes
ii.    Start working towards meeting the minimum requirements for consideration into the Scholarship scheme that best suits your needs
iii.    Apply and wait for the final result


  • You must be from a country which the scholarship provider specifies
  • You must be of a certain age as set by the scholarship provider. Note that this is not always the case, there are many scholarships where there is no age requirement.
  • You must hold a High School Diploma when applying for a Bachelors; a Bachelor’s Degree when applying for Master’s; and a Master’s Degree when applying for PhD
  • You must meet the academic requirements of the programme you are applying to. In most cases, you have to be accepted in the programme you are applying to before you are considered for a scholarship.
  • You must have good knowledge of English language with TOEFL or IELTS scores as proof. In some cases, proof of English as medium of instruction in your university degree would suffice.
  • Entrance Scholarships: you have to meet the high school academic average set by the scholarship provider (usually 90% or above)
  • Excellence Scholarships: you have to meet the GPA required by the scholarship provider (usually 3.0 or above on a 4.0 rating system)
  • Leadership Scholarships: you must demonstrate leadership potential and possess leadership skills and/or experience
  • Competition Scholarships: you must win the competition (i.e. essay competition)
  • Development Scholarships: you must go back to your home country after your studies
  • Youth Scholarships:  you have to be young, at least below 25
Even if you meet the minimum qualifications of the scholarship, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get a scholarship. Yes, good qualification improve your chances but still, there will be hundreds or thousands of you with the same qualifications applying for the same scholarship. Thus, scholarship providers set up scholarship criteria to filter out the best students who will get the scholarship. Here are some of the scholarship criteria used by scholarship provider:
  • The student’s academic excellence and potential in his/her proposed field of study – applicants must be able to demonstrate a connection between their subject of study and their longer-term career objectives.
  • The student’s academic performance – as evidenced by grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation from his/her previous education.
  • The student’s motivation letter (or in some cases, a motivation essay)
  • The quality of the scholarship application submitted (completeness, accuracy, consistency).
  • In development scholarships in particular, students are assessed based on their potential to contribute to the development of their home country.
  • In the case of research students, students are assessed based on the merits and relevance of their proposed research study.
To your success!


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