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Showing posts from September, 2016


One Common Sense Secret About Success

One interesting question I get all the time is, "What ONE thing can I do to become successful in business, ministry or calling?" Well, if there were one thing, every ambitious individual out there would do it. Success is not an event. You don't press a button and suddenly become a superstar. Someone will invest in a single book or attend a seminar and then complain that his life didn't change. Seriously? Success is a process. It's the combination of ALL the action you take toward reaching your goals. Every successful individual I've known or read about took one meaningful step at a time. There is no such thing as an overnight success. So if there's any advice I can give to you in this critical period of our national existence, it is for you to get busy. Don't sit idle at home and expect to experience a breakthrough. Recession or no recession, you must jump out of your comfort zone and take your destiny into your hands. ...

4 Things That Will Help You Overcome Mediocrity And Step Over The Top

LIKE YOU may be aware, our world is dominated by people who are inured to leading average lives and completely have no idea what it means to scale great heights. In view of this, I want to share with you 4 habits that you should start incorporating into your daily life to put things in perspective. 1). PURSUE A PASSION. Until you have figured out what drives you and be fully committed to it, you may hardly know the true essence of self-actualization. It doesn’t matter if you’re passionate about playing guitar or working the field of souls, put your entire life into it. This passion will make you go places. 2). USE YOUR COMMON SENSE. What’s the one thing most of us are guilty of? Not using our common sense in practical terms. We want to enjoy wealth and abundance, yet we don't give. We want to escape the rat race, yet we spend more than we earn. We want to be great leaders, yet we don't know how to respect people's time. Put yourself into a mind-frame where your l...

Forgetting About Your Dreams

Here's a sharp question to chew over: "When exactly are you supposed to forget about your dreams?" Hint: Never. It’s never too late to become successful or accomplish your goals. You might want to draw inspiration from these few examples... Ray Kroc had passed his 50th birthday before he bought the first McDonald's in 1961, which he ultimately expanded into a worldwide conglomerate. Charles Darwin was 50 years old before he published 'On the Origin of the Species' in 1859, the book that espoused the theory for which he is best known today. Harland Sanders was 'a failure' who got fired from a dozen jobs before starting his restaurant, and then failed at that when he went out of business and found himself broke at the age of 65. Eventually, things started working out when he sold the first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise in 1952. Here is something to reflect on: You can only lose the game of life if you give up. No matter how terrible the economy is o...

20 Things You Must Learn If You’re Going To Succeed In Leadership

Although you may not realize it, there is more to leadership than just occupying a position. Effective leadership in most cases is predicated on 3 key factors: First, your level of empowerment. Second, your ability to clarify vision and values. Third, your willingness to commit to a lifelong process of learning. Empowerment in this context comprises of your interpersonal skills, your personal characteristics and your natural and learned competencies. You may practically add great value to your group or organization by fulfilling the first two fundamental requirements but you may not really go far in leadership until you develop a sense of open-mindedness and take responsibility for continuous learning. This article examines the 20 most important things you must learn and equip yourself with, if you’re going to make sense of your leadership calling and impact your world in the long run.   You must learn how to love yourself and the people around you. The point is thi...

Do You Own A Blog Or Website? Here Are 3 Ways To Generate Traffic For Massive Profits

There are hundreds of ways by which you can bring in more traffic into your blog or website. However, to draw in huge amounts of traffic, you have to come up with long-term strategies that will not only bring but also ensure that your traffic is consistent. The top three ways by which you can make this happen is through: SOCIAL NETWORKING Social networking basically includes the integration of both the social media as well as the social bookmarking sites. To effectively benefit from the social media, it's wise to have accounts dedicated to your blog within the top social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The reason why this is so important is that, you can easily share your blog posts on these accounts and if your followers like the content, they too will end up sharing and recommending them to their friends and followers. The same applies to the social bookmarking sites. The top ones include Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon. In addition to this, you coul...

Ignite Your Creativity

Your life is like an ongoing work of art. The canvas of your life begins with your family; and your experiences, setbacks, and triumphs play a part in forming who you become. And as long as you live, your life will continue to be a form of artistic creation. Creativity is often narrowly defined by creative works, such as books, paintings, and music. But creativity encompasses so much more than the works we create. Living a creative life also involves the thought, energy, and time we devote to problem-solving and creating the life we’ve been given to live. So stop delineating creativity only along aesthetic lines. Get out of your comfort zone and find solution to problems. Reflect on ways of adding value to human existence. Stop complaining about issues and start innovating. Develop new ideas. Implement new processes. Devise new methods of doing things or making things work. When you get stuck, get out of your work space and go for a walk. Leverage synergy where practicable. Your crea...

Science Of The Brain

It’s important to train your brain to get what you want in life. Can I tell you why? Our brain is not designed to get us fortune, happiness, and all the good things in life. It’s designed to protect us. This is why we tend to procrastinate and avoid risks, regardless of the payout. Anybody can show you how to innovate or attract wealth, but you won’t do anything if your brain believes that your survival is at stake. Makes no sense, but this is how your brain works. Your brain was not designed to get you material goods... And that’s why there are 20% of men who get more than 80% of other men combined. The top 20% learned to train their brain to go after what they want. This is one reason I encourage people to write down their goals and make systematic progress towards actualizing those goals. Write the vision God has impressed upon your heart and make it plain. Write whatever you want to achieve, whether in your diary, spreadsheet or mobile device. It doesn’t matter if it sounds crazy...

Accept The Truth And Take Responsibility For Your Life

STAGNATION is not an acceptable veracity in the journey of life. You are either moving forward or retrogressing. Accept the truth. Insanity is the belief that you can keep on doing what you’ve been doing and get different results. If you don’t like your TODAY, you need to look into the mirror because you shaped it yesterday. You can as well shape your tomorrow by making the RIGHT choices today. Accept the truth. Defeat may test you; it need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. The greatest mistake is giving up. Accept the truth. There’s no magic formula for achieving success. Achievement is not a function of LUCK but hard work, definiteness of purpose and common sense. If you want anything in life, develop a strategy for achieving it and work towards it. No action, No result! Just accept the truth. Life has never been fair to some persons a...

Stop Giving Excuses For Your Inertia

YOU must quiet the voice inside your head that offers excuses for not taking action and becoming the best that you can be. You must eliminate the thinking that you aren't "good on the microphone", or that you can't "be a great writer", or that you are "too busy to work on your potentials and reach for the stars". For any excuse you might try to offer, all that I can say is: Stop deceiving yourself. Stop talking about all the big dreams you have if you are NOT going to take responsibility for making those dreams come true. Stop encouraging your family and friends to change their lives if you're not going to make big changes in your own. Stop talking and start doing. Begin by doing the right thing – the hard thing – and get out of your own comfort zone and advance in life. When you do, people will notice. People will be inspired. People will follow you. It's not easy to inconvenience yourself in a bit to step up. It...

What Do You See?

Each time you project into the future, what do you see? Do you see greatness, inconspicuousness or perplexity? If all you see is uncertainties instead of opportunities, then you're either not looking from the right perspective or you've allowed yourself to become a victim of self-delusion. A life that is built to glow sees possibilities in the midst of adversity; excellence in the midst of mediocrity and abundance in the midst of scarcity. So get rid of your self-limiting beliefs and harness the power of positive thinking. Get rid of your negative habits - the ones capable of sabotaging your future, and replace them with habits that will move you closer to your dreams. Only when your thinking is right, and your habits not destructive, will you see the perfect picture of life and take responsibility for constructing your own reality. Have an amazing day!