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4 Powerful Ways To Win In Business Today And In The Coming Years

In his 1999 book, "The Age of Spiritual Machines", Ray Kurzweil proposed "The Law of Accelerating Returns", which said the rate of change in a wide variety of evolutionary systems (including, but not limited to, the growth of technologies) tends to increase exponentially.
The pace of change in various areas of life is increasing exponentially. For the records, Brexit, Trump, and the rise of Asia's middle class typify major examples of these exponential changes.
Like every exponential change, this shift can create either disruptive stress or opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs.
I like to think in terms of opportunity, so let me offer a few key ideas that will help you create incredible business breakthrough today and in the coming years.
As human beings, we naturally think locally and in a linear manner. We associate and marry locally, go to a nearby school, and follow a year-based educational system. We look at salary as annual and try to go up "the corporate ladder".
A lot of entrepreneurs are missing on opportunities because of this mindset. You have to think globally and exponentially now.
You can spread your tentacles to other continents and do business with people from all the over world. You can choose to live and do business in different parts of the world and even learn different languages. As a matter of fact, learning to speak different languages has proven to be worth a lot in terms of opportunities.
If you're a native English speaker, then the second most important language you can learn is Spanish. If you're not a native English speaker, then mastering English and Spanish will open doors for you.
The world has become so complex that only those who can simplify will survive. Simplify your life and help others simplify their lives as well. Create solutions that will help people save time and money, and make their lives less complex.
Like you well know, complexity triggers negative emotions and you'll be doing the world a lot of good by helping to eliminate those negative emotions while getting paid for bringing value to the marketplace.
When starting or building a business, most people tend to limit their thinking to just running a venture that will generate enough income to keep body and soul together and nothing more. That's rubbish. You should never forget that until your business is scalable and saleable, you don't really have a business.
The bottom line is therefore, to have a business that is inherently easy to scale, in other words, to attract and accommodate increased demand. You want a business that has the capacity to grow to an autonomous entity that will provide large amounts of value to people. Because scalability is the only way to achieve high income that will ultimately lead to wealth.

Except for business purposes, social media is not your friend. It's your enemy. It takes your time and impedes personal productivity. For this reason, you should stop using social media to just connect with friends. Use it to your business advantage or steer clear from it!
There is more to this process, but this list is a good start.
I hope this was helpful.
Keep learning and keep aiming for the best.
Have an amazing day!


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