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The Day It Gets Better

Have you ever struggled for a long time but kept going and, eventually one day, things got better?
I know it happens often to me.

I might be trying to reach a goal or solve a problem. Days passed - even weeks - where I accumulated disappointment. But I kept going every day, and one day, I got what I needed.
It could be an idea, meeting the right person, or the problem just solved itself.
This is the day when it gets better.

To get to this day, you obviously need to be action-oriented, but also to have FAITH.
The faith is the part that can be hard to sustain.
Especially when your results show you otherwise.

Whether it's meeting a relationship partner, executing a project, or business, things can take a long time without getting tangible results.

You need to keep going with faith until you reach the day when it gets better.
To help me, I pray and ask the Father to guide me towards the right path and give me the energy to take intelligent actions.

I find it's the best way to not lose faith when times get challenging.

Have an amazing day!


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