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Thinking Outside The Box

I've wondered where this phrase "think out of the box", came from.
Well apparently, it's believed to come from a nine dot puzzle (a square of 3x3 dots).

The rules of the puzzle to connect all the dots using only straight lines in such a way as to do it in the least amount of lines. All of the dots must be used. The square of dots is considered to be the box.

The solution requires you to draw outside the square (box).
You draw a line through the first row of dots.

Then extend the line outside the box (to the right) so that you can draw a line to diagonally connect the last dot of the second row with the middle dot of the third row.

Again, you extend that diagonal line outside the box until you can draw another line through the entire first column of dots. Then you simply draw a diagonal line down the middle to complete the connection to the rest of the dots.

The term takes on a more metaphoric meaning today, where the box represents the confines of the problem you are trying to solve as an entrepreneur, business owner or a professional.
Thinking outside this metaphoric box can often lead you to a solution that you otherwise wouldn't have considered.

Although the term has become quite overused, the concept is relevant still.
One example of thinking outside the box happened during 9/11. In New York, the news channels were all overloaded online.

People took to international news channels as a way to get some coverage that they weren't able to do locally.

Even in your day-to-day business activities, when looking for solutions, try to find help from people who may have peripheral functions to what you are looking to solve.
There will be times, it's probably not a wise move to use the phrase, "think outside the box" if you're a manager motivating your employees when solving problems.

But because it still is a good way to approach problems, you may want to convey the same kind of concept to them without using the actual phrase. In other words, you may have to think outside the box yourself!

Have an amazing day!


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