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Apply Now For The 2018 YALI Emerging Leaders Program

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was launched by the United States Government, to train the next generation of African Leaders who will shape the future of African business and entrepreneurship, civil society leadership, and public sector management. The YALI Regional Leadership Centre (RLC) West Africa, Accra, offers you an innovative and game changing Online Emerging Leaders training program in the following courses: 1. Business and Entrepreneurship 2. Civil Society Leadership 3. Public Sector Management The program is hosted by the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). Applicants must be: Between the ages of 18 and 35 From the countries below: - Sierra Leone - Ghana - Nigeria - Togo - Ivory Coast - Gambia - Burkina Faso - Liberia - Cameroon 1. You must be able to read and write in English 2. You must have a valid ID (passport if you are outside Ghana) Benefits of the program: - Improve your leadership skil...

Why "Accepting Yourself" Will Destroy You

Did you know that 85% of the world's population are affected by low self esteem. The answer to this is often advice like "accept yourself" or "like yourself". As a matter of fact, even mainstream media pushes the whole "acceptance" thing on us on a daily basis. While they are good recommendations, the concept of acceptance is completely twisted in most people's minds. Accepting or liking yourself is not about standing in front of the mirror and saying "I like myself" nor is it trying to love yourself as you are - without making any changes. Here's The Brutal Truth: It's only possible to accept the things that absolutely cannot be changed. It's a crucial point for you. Most people get acceptance wrong by trying to accept things that CAN be changed. That leads them to stay sad and depressed for the rest of their life. When I was a teenager, I was a very terrible stutterer. It made me very sad and my mot...

What You See Is Not Always What You Get

A few months ago, I started learning about diet and nutrition. My goal was to eat more healthy in order to increase my energy. One trick I learned was to always read food labels. They tell you the truth. You see, food companies spend billions of dollars on marketing and packaging so you don't pay attention to what's really inside your food. Breakfast cereals are the perfect example of this. They are designed to appeal to children, while having text that is intended to reassure parents about the cereal's nutritional value. But in reality, cereals are loaded with sugar, and poor in nutrients. It's only by reading the label that you realize it. So, what does this all have to do with guys and women who are trusting God to find that special someone? Well, when you meet a person for the first time, all you see is the well-designed packaging. Some women for example, it's the make-up, the hair, the sexy dress or the cleavage. But what you see...

How To Be The Leader Every Woman Craves

Today I want to share something really cool with men. Like you may be aware, "leadership" is one of the traits women find attractive in their partners. The official definition of a leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. This definition has led a lot of men to believe they were not leaders. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A father is a leader. A teacher is a leader. A fiance or husband is a leader. It's important that you start seeing yourself as a leader at all times. For me, a leader is simply someone who has a sense of direction and aim at designing his life. That means he chooses where to live, his friends, the type of family he wants, his income, his profession, and so on... Not only that, but if he has a betrothed, partner, or wife, he has a vision she's excited about. There was a time when I didn't see myself as a leader. But the day I realized that being a leader is about making dec...

The Axiomatic Truth About Attracting The Man/Woman of Your Dreams

Last weekend, my kid sister who is learning to play Saxophone brought some interesting musical videos for us to watch. As we watched, we saw a street performer doing something incredible with his Sax. Dozens of people stopped to watch. His hat was full of coins…The money kept coming and coming. Only a few yards away, another man was sighted sitting on the ground (probably drunk) with a cardboard sign saying: "I don't have a job, need money for food." People ignored him and his hat had barely any money in it. Hold the pictures of both men in your mind. You are looking at how attraction works. The man or woman of your dreams don't flow to you because you need a relationship partner. They don't flow to you because you are good to settle down. They flow because of VALUE. The good news is, when it comes to attracting a great partner, value is mostly based on having an attractive character. If you want someone in your life who truly has grea...

The Common Sense Prescription For Dealing With Fear

FEAR prompts you to fight or flee. It's how our brain is designed. Fear can destroy your chance of going after the things you really want. I know because, for a long time, fear controlled my professional life. I was afraid to be social. I was afraid to start writing. I was afraid of being rejected. So, I missed a lot of great opportunities. I tried to repress and deny my fear, but it was still there like a pack of relentless dogs chasing me. No amount of rationalization would calm me down. But here's what I eventually learned: The fear will never go away, but it can lose its grasp on you if you just admit that you are afraid, and ask for help. When a child is afraid at night, what does he do? He screams and runs toward his parents' bedroom. He jumps in his mother's arms and falls asleep, almost instantly. He's not trying to pretend that he's not afraid laying in his bed, anxiously, for hours. We wrongly assume that the opposite of c...

How To Create Impact In A Hostile World

Yesterday, I read a very sad story about a man who was asked to leave a plane because someone next to him felt uncomfortable. There are two ways to look at this story. The first is to be upset. The second one is to be upset AND learn something about it. I always try to learn something, even when it's painful. The lesson I want to share with you is that the world is constantly judging you. They judge the way you talk, your dressing, your ethnicity, your demeanor. They make assumptions about you instantly, based on what they see. It's unfair, but it's a reality. And NO ONE is safe from this. The good news is that people are so shallow that just by controlling how you're perceived, you can create positive impact on others. And as a result, attract more opportunities. Politicians and celebrities know this too well. Depending on the social and political climate of their time, a lot of celebrities have changed their name to fit and create success i...

A Must Read For Every Serious Income Earner

Recently, I was revising the notes I took from a business training I attended sometime ago, so I decided to share with you an incredible business insight that will change your perspective. Between earning linear income and passive income, which is better? Well, to make sense of the question, let's attempt a distinction between linear and passive income. If you're being paid once per month for the work or services that you have provided, chances are you're earning a linear income. Linear income is also called active income, where you earn one unit of income for one unit of your effort. To earn a linear income you also need to be present at your supposed workplace. Hence, doctors, lawyers, hawkers, or practically every employed or self-employed person are earning linear income. If they don't attend to their clients, they don't get paid. What about passive income? It is an income that you continue earning even when you're not working. ...

7 Questions To Ask Yourself In Difficult Times

In difficult times, it's important to take time to think. Don't get emotional. Instead, ask yourself good questions. Good questions should make you think harder and deeper. Good questions, for example, are: What's really going on now?   What can I improve right now?   What's the real issue here?   What could be a simple and easy solution?   What am I avoiding here?   Who can help me?   What can I do now to make progress? Life is about problem-solving and taking action on your solution. I used to always freak out when I faced challenges. I still do sometimes, but I quickly calm myself and answer some of these good questions in writing. Asking yourself good questions and writing the answers help you clarify your thoughts, which will calm you down. The beauty of this is it will also make you more proficient at solving your problems. For example, you'll start noticing patterns, like avoiding certain things or common recurring roo...

Thinking Outside The Box

I've wondered where this phrase "think out of the box", came from. Well apparently, it's believed to come from a nine dot puzzle (a square of 3x3 dots). The rules of the puzzle to connect all the dots using only straight lines in such a way as to do it in the least amount of lines. All of the dots must be used. The square of dots is considered to be the box. The solution requires you to draw outside the square (box). You draw a line through the first row of dots. Then extend the line outside the box (to the right) so that you can draw a line to diagonally connect the last dot of the second row with the middle dot of the third row. Again, you extend that diagonal line outside the box until you can draw another line through the entire first column of dots. Then you simply draw a diagonal line down the middle to complete the connection to the rest of the dots. The term takes on a more metaphoric meaning today, where the box represents the confi...

Why Most People Are Not Very Successful

I've been asked a couple of times, how someone can change his life or achieve something worthwhile...and my suggestion has remained the same: TAKE ACTION! You see, our brain and body have a natural tendency to get back to a passive, unconscious state even after being animated. This is why you find yourself spending two hours on YouTube without realizing it or you get sad or depressed over something that happened five years ago. It's like quicksand. It's very insidious because it happens gradually, without even realizing it. Hours pass, then days, then weeks, then months, then years, and suddenly we ask ourselves, "Where has my life gone?" I don't watch TV. I don't like it. It bores me and doesn't make me feel alive. What do you think I've used that time for over the past couple of years? I’ve built my business skills, taken short courses in Europe, Australia, North America and here in Africa, tried new things, met some gr...

How Not To Be Boring In Your Dating Relationship

One of the biggest dating relationship sins for millennials is being BORING. Women love interesting men just like men love women who know how to naturally trigger attraction... Most people read and watch the same stuff. They check the news that automatically populates on their browser, watch the same trending videos on YouTube or social media, and go to the same place over and over. No wonder they don't have interesting things to talk about while dating. If it's not erotic fantasies, then it's the same set of boring questions repeated every single time... What you need to do is read and watch interesting stuff, and you WILL become more interesting. And with the internet, it's easier than ever. Here are a few places to get started: Thought Economics – Interviews with the world's leading thinkers ( ) Google Trends – See what's trending on Google ( ) Futurism – Transformative tech...

The 5 Second Rule

Do you ever find yourself making to-do lists and then not following through on them? Like every single day? Or thinking to yourself, "What the heck is wrong with me? I know what I'm supposed to be doing, why can't I just do it?" Trust me. I AM YOU. But this is what I've found: 1. Knowing what to do will never be enough. 2. Knowing why you need to do it will never be enough. If you don't start doing the things you don't feel like doing, you will wake up one year from today and be in exactly the same place. I recently learned a new technique called the 5 second rule by Mel Roobins. Here's the one-liner definition of the 5 second rule: If you have an impulse to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill the idea. So if you have a goal of gaining more respect in the workplace, you have to raise your hand the next time you're in a meeting and you have a great idea. If you have a goal ...

Understanding Basic Business Etiquettes

If you're in business or even an employee, you cannot underestimate the importance of business etiquettes. Demystifying etiquette rules across multiple business-related scenarios is the focus of this article. But before we hit the ground running, it's best to level off everyone on what etiquette means. We would also look at the many ways business etiquette can improve a company or an organizational bottom line. Josy Roberts, author of 'Business Etiquette: Your Questions and Answers', defines etiquette as 'conventional rules of polite behaviour.' They are guidelines on how to behave befitting good manners while in the company of other people. They show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of the person or people that you are with. Etiquette covers most aspects of social interactions, including self-presentation, communication, courtesy, and hospitality. Business etiquette, in particular, covers expectations in the interactions between co-workers, the company a...

Why Business Success Can Be Simple

A while ago I read this quote: "All secrets are visible." I really liked it. It's so simple, yet powerful. For me, it means that every success is replicable if you just observe seriously. The guy who is legitimately earning 6 or 7 figures in his internet marketing business for instance, is no better than the man who's flat broke and still struggling to pay his bills. If the impoverished guy would just observe this man, he would realize that he can replicate his business model, marketing strategies, sales funnel, niche system, how he uses his time and grows his email list, and so on... Maybe if he's bold, he'd even request for mentorship and ASK him how he converts traffic to buyers, promotes other people's products or even sell his skills online. Then, he'd only have to COPY and ADAPT what he learned from this other successful guy. All secrets are visible, easily accessible for the CURIOUS business fellow who can implement them...